in the public vote:
1st place: Red - by 22blue
2nd place: The Unrepentant Heart - by luvrofink
3rd place: For The Love Of My Obsession - by rmcrms5
1st place: My Heart of Darkness - by einfach_mich
2nd place: Bleeding Out - by morethanmyself
3rd place: Red - by 22blue
EACH of us were thrilled with and thankful for the calibur of stories this contest inspired, and gathered. There were so many that not only met and exceeded our desires and expectations, but that went even further beyond what we'd hoped for. The previously mentioned stories included in this sentiment, we'd like to also extend our gladness and gratitude for these following stories as well:
award for the story that made my heart bleed, chosen by arden8283: This Woman's Work - by nitareality
the get out of my head award, for frighteningly raw and real, chosen by annetteinoz: Vanishing - by SwedenSara
the cherry popper award for the author you'll be watching for and wanting more from, chosen by Sweetp: The Taste of Blood - by InDiscord
the cherry popper award, and best use of the photo prompt, chosen by dihenydd: Release - by LAwritingbabe
the PLEASE keep going award, for most wanted continuation, chosen by tuleangel: Perfume and Blood - by lambcullen
the explorer's award, for best exploration of a fetish/taboo, chosen by yellowglue: The Loved One - by Rags88 and Detochkina
the truly twisted award, for pushing that envelope *just* right, chosen by SweetDulcinea: Fire, Blood, Truth - by vampireisthenewblack
and for giving us the sweet relief of a good giggle :) for taking an angle that no one else did:
The Rabbit and The Fox - by bookjunkie1975
we're so thankful to EVERYONE who entered and who supported this. thank you writers, as well as readers for pushing your limits, and for doing so with open hearts and minds. YOU are awesome.
and we look forward to doing it again ;)